Endocrine and Diabetes Associates, LLC

If you have been seen at least once in the last 5 years and you are continuing care with Dr. Beatriz Chanduvi, Dr. Archana Shetty, Dr. Anurag Gupta and Dr. Yemul Almecci: there is no need to request your medical records. They have arranged for your records to transfer to their current practice settings. 

List of Endocrinologists Maryland-DC-Virginia (10-28-2024)

We continue to process all medical records requests received prior to October 1st, 2024.

If this is an initial request or if you need to confirm status on a previous request, please send a text for medical records including your name and date of birth to 301-468-1451.

Desert River Solutions is the custodian of Medical Records for Endocrine and Diabetes Associates. Please visit their website for further information.

Desert River Solutions

600 W. Ray Rd, Ste C-2 Chandler, AZ 85225

Phone: 480-577-3150    Fax 520-214-0068

Physician offices may request records for the purpose of providing ongoing care by faxing a medical records request form to Desert River.

Patients may request records directly from the website at www.desertriversolutions.com.  Patients would need to register for an account with Desert River Solutions to submit the records release form electronically and receive your records in the fastest turnaround time. You may also complete a paper release form and send it back via email or mail.